Sunday, July 16, 2017

Types of introverts.

Introverts  is an often misunderstood term.
Because people relate it, so much to shyness. It actually doesn't go by a "one size fit all" definition, as it can be categorized into four different types introversion.

     The four types of introverts can be vaguely described by the traits: Social introverts, Thinking introverts, Anxious introverts, and anxious-restraint introverts.

1. Social introverts.

      The befief that social introverts dislike socialization is false. Rather than that, they only perfer to socialize in small groups of people. That they feel compatible and comfortable around.
     Such as close friends and family circles, where they are not shy or reserved.

2. Thinking introverts.

     These are people, who remain introverts in their thinking process, causing them to be more thoughtful and self-reflective.
      For instance, they can get lost in their own dream-world. Drowned in creativity and imagination, that they forget about the world around them. That's why people are confused about them, people think that these introverts are shy, that's why they don't speak a lot, but contrary to that, they are just mentally not available. 

3. Anxious introverts.

       Anxious introverts prefer to bee alone, because they feel uncomfortable and unsuitable during socialization. As they are doubtful about their social skills. 
       Consequently, they are likely to choose solitude, but sometimes even solitude do not help them overcome their social anxiety. The introverts tend to minimize anxiety by thinking over things that could've gone wrong, had they been in a particular social context.

4. Anxious-Restrained introverts.

      These are introverts that take time in everything they do, whether it's socialization or springing into action. They may seem slow, because they tend to think more before; speaking or acting, and are more passive in nature, than the active types of people.    
     Now you have probably come across an introverts in your life and labeled him or her as so and so, by identifying a trait that fits in one of the above types. But there is more to introverts than that meets the eye.


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