Friday, June 23, 2017

Are You Depressed?

      Depression is a very serious mental condition that can seriously affect your life. Some people like to use the term depressed, when they are feeling blue, while having a phase of feeling in their life however going through a depression is not simply being sad.
      It is a clinical condition. Here are some symptoms of depression in order to help you know whether you are depressed.

1. Fatigue: Do you ever have one of those days? Where you just spent all day in bed. You spent so much time trying to rest, but your entire body feels like a limp noodle that's going to crash to the ground. Almost as if gravity has taken a stronger liking to you then the typical human being.
      Maybe you have responsibilities to take care of during the day, but! simply getting to your destination is more tiring than actually doing it, what you need to do. That is a symptom of depression.

2. Change in Appetite: Do you ever consume an astronomical amount of food in order to attempt to fill the void inside your frozen heart? That is suppressing and numbing every single one of your emotions or maybe quite the opposite, your emotions are consuming your entire body like a boa constrictor, with nowhere to escape and you simply can't escape its grasp to sustain your body with a meal. Both of these symptoms can be extremely unhealthy.

3. Self Loathing: Could you just lay in bed all day anxiously thinking about all of your insecurities consuming your mind with self-loathing, thoughts about your appearance or to the reassuring fact that seems to be, So much easier, if you were to simply end it. Maybe your existence feels absolutely mundane and you feel as though nobody would care, if you were gone.                             This is a really heartbreaking symptom of depression. It may be hard to believe, but even the smallest things can have a huge impact on the world. People in the world love you and would miss you dearly if you were gone, even those people will also miss you a great deal, the ones you think, that you don't get along with.

4. Numbness: Sometimes depression is lacking of emotions, rather than abundance of feeling.
Some people experience the inability to feel happy, even when they normally would. They lack interest even in the things they are usually interested in, and passionate about. They might just stop taking interest in anything at-all. 

5. Introversion: Studies have Shown that introverts are actually more likely to be depressed. This is due to the fact the introverts typically internalize their problems in order to work on them, themselves. In contrast extroverts externalize their problem and seek help from others more easily. This internalization can end up bottling up, which can take its toll on their mental health.

Conclusion: If you are experiencing even just one of these symptoms or know someone else, that has these symptoms, it maybe a good idea to seek guidance from a friend, family member, or a licensed medical professional in order to help yourself overcome it, whatever you are going through. And if these symptoms are not found in you, then maybe you're just angry, frustrated, or having a bad day. Which is perfectly fine, because everyone as those days.


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